Your Child’s First Visit to the Dentist
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that all children are seen by a dentist no later than their first birthday.
At your child’s first visit, a member of the Greenbrier Pediatric Dental Team will review your child’s oral health with you and discuss any concerns you may have.
Dr. Spruill and his team will clean your child’s teeth and check for normal development of the teeth and gums. Dental X-rays will be taken as necessary for diagnosis and evaluation. We explain these procedures to children as brushing, counting, and taking pictures of the teeth.
Parents may accompany children into the treatment area for the initial exam.
At the first visit, some topics that we discuss include: oral hygiene, diet, pacifier use/thumb sucking, eruption of teeth, spacing of teeth, and fluoride.
If your child does have a dental problem requiring treatment, we will work with you to plan and schedule treatment.
Before The First Visit
Many parents are surprised to see their children have an enjoyable first visit to the dentist. Through special training and attention, we work hard to make your child’s visit to the dentist fun and positive experience.
When discussing the upcoming dental visit with your child, please use positive language and just be relaxed when talking about this experience.
Please do not use negative words such as: shot, hurt, needle, or pull. Use of negative words will unnecessarily increase your child’s level of anxiety.
We use a specialized terms when describing the dental office to children and we have a great deal of experience in helping your child feel good about going to the dentist.
At the end of the visit, we have a treasure chest where children are rewarded for their participation and help.
We take pride in having happy patients and confident parents who look forward their visit to Greenbrier Dental Center!
What If My Child Cries
Parents often wonder what to do if their child cries.
Crying is a normal reaction to the unknown and it is okay for children to be anxious about new situations.
For very young children who are not able to sit in the dental chair, we recommend that they sit in your lap or with one of our Pediatric Dental Team members.
We are trained to help even the most fearful children through their dental experience.
As your child gets older, our goals include helping them to promote their independence and build self esteem.